Fire doors are designed to protect property and life in the event of a fire. For this the door must serve as a fire and smoke barrier. Studies have shown that more people have lost lives due to smoke asphyxiation than fire.
Fire Doors Must Serve Four Main Functions.
- Serve as regular door at all times
- Provide ready egress from a fire area during a fire
- inhibit spreading of fire
- protect life and property by reducing smoke hazards.
When an opening requires strength, durability,. or maximum fire resistance, steel doors and frames provide the qualities to meet these needs. Due to growing access control needs, fire doors have today evolved to accommodate the growing electrified functions a door must support
Designed to meet the life-safety requirement in various types of building and structures. SQR ENGINEERING SERVICE fire doors help compartmentalize and contain the spread of fire. These doors complement existing passive fire-fighting systems. These doors also meet all the stipulated international national and regional fire safety standards.
These doors are available with honeycomb core as standard infill material with other optional cores. These doors and rated for 90, 100, 120, 180 and 240 Minutes fire withstanding ability.
All fire doors are factory finished with epoxy primer and polyurethane-finish paint.
These doors can be sued in high-rise buildings, metro railway stations, telecom centers, power plants, cellular network stations, garment processing units, shopping malls, industrial plants, multiplexex hotels, auditoriums. Software parks, restaurants, etc SQR SERVICE dorrs and frames are designed to perform and in the mast demanding environment.
- Available in galvanised or stainless steel
- UL labeled doors for 90, 120, 180 minutes
- Clear vision litefoxup to 120 minutes fire rating.
- No welding joints and sharp edges, interlocking at the stiles
- Factory prepped to receive all types of hardware
- High aesthetics and tobust structure
- Fully fiush constructions
- Easy to installon a flush wall opening & dry wall partitions
- Factory finished for primer and paint finishes.